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Bamboo Fibre Cloth, A Grass Family That All Parts Of It’s Body Is Useful 

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Bamboo Fibres & Fabrics: An Introduction 

Bamboo, a member of the grass family, is known for its incredible growth rate and is highly valued for its eco-friendly properties. The benefits of bamboo are not just limited to its use as a food source for pandas, but it also serves as an excellent material for clothes. Bamboo fibres and fabrics are becoming increasingly popular in the fashion industry, thanks to their sustainable and durable properties. Talk about versatility, right? 

In this article, we will explore the wonders of bamboo fibres and fabrics, their unique features, and their impact on the environment. So, what are we waiting for? Let us dive in! 

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What Makes Bamboo Fibres & Fabrics So Special? 

Bamboo fibres and fabrics have a unique set of features that make them stand out from other materials. Here are some of the reasons why bamboo is such an excellent material for clothes: 

– Eco-Friendly 

Bamboo is a highly sustainable crop that requires minimal water and pesticides to grow. It is known for its rapid growth rate, making it an ideal alternative to traditional cotton which requires vast amounts of water to grow. Moreover, bamboo plants release more oxygen into the atmosphere than other trees, making it an excellent option for reducing carbon dioxide levels. 

– Soft and Comfortable 

Bamboo fibres are incredibly soft and comfortable to wear, making them an excellent option for clothing. The fibres are naturally smooth, with a round surface that makes them gentle on the skin. Additionally, bamboo fabrics have a natural moisture-wicking property that helps keep you cool and dry, making them perfect for warm weather. 

– Durable 

Bamboo fibres are incredibly strong and durable, making them an excellent choice for clothing. The fibres are naturally resistant to wear and tear, which means they can last longer than other materials. Moreover, bamboo fabrics are less prone to shrinking and wrinkling, making them easier to care for. 

– Hypoallergenic 

Bamboo fibres and fabrics are naturally hypoallergenic, which means they are less likely to cause skin irritation or allergic reactions. The fibres are also naturally anti-bacterial, making them an excellent option for people with sensitive skin. 

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The Process of Making Bamboo Fibres & Fabrics 

The process of making bamboo fibres and fabrics is like that of traditional cotton. Here is a brief overview of the process: 


The bamboo plant is harvested, and the leaves and branches are removed. 


The bamboo is then pulped using a chemical or mechanical process to break it down into a mushy substance. 


The pulp is then extruded through small holes, creating long fibres that are spun into yarn. 


The yarn is then woven into the fabric, which can be dyed and finished according to the desired specifications. 

And that’s how the bamboo plants eventually become a bamboo fibre cloth which can then be used to make clothing materials, or other crafts made of cloth. 

Paramatex as a fabric shop in Bali, also provides types of bamboo fabrics. You can check the availability of types of fabrics in the FABRIC CATALOGUE section on this website, or you can directly visit the Paramatex fabric store which is located at Jl. Imam Bonjol No.401, Denpasar, Bali 

*note: You can also directly contact our sales team to ask questions via WhatsApp via the WA logo button in the lower right corner of this website 

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