The best way to experience our fabric in person is just one click away. Our incredible selection of ready stock fabrics and styles means that you have all the options you need to find the perfect fabric for your next project. The choice is yours.

Select Fabric From Catalogue
Select over 700+ fabrics of whatever you see fit!

Choose color and unit
Choose the fabric color you want, then select the unit like yard/kilogram/meter. If you're looking to buy a sample, just pick the colorbook or swatch.

Add to cart
Please add the fabric you'd like to purchase to your cart so you can proceed to checkout when you're ready.

Click Proceed to Checkout
Click 'Proceed to Checkout' when you're ready to complete your purchase!

Fill in buyer details
Fill in your buyer details, including your address, and choose your preferred shipping method to ensure a smooth delivery of your order.

Complete the payment, and your order is done once you receive a notification via email

It’s Finally Yours
Your order is complete. The shipping service you selected will deliver the fabric to your address safely.
Partial/Full Customization
Can't find the colours or weight you're looking for? Order personalized colours or weights from us!

Choosing the fabric to customize
Can't find the desired color, weight, or fabric type on the selected fabric?

Contact us on WhatsApp or Instagram.
Contact us via WhatsApp or Instagram for custom orders, whether it's for an existing fabric or something new.

Let Us Know Your Desired Specifications!
Let us know what colours or weights you want!

Labdip / Strike Off process
vesting colours according to your desired shade.

Leave the mandatory deposit amount before proceeding further.

Lead Time Process
Development process starts!

Make the final payment for the fabric you ordered.

Delivered to us, and finally to you!

It’s Finally Yours!
Enjoy your fully customized fabrics.
Terms and
- An existing wanted colour is mandatory to be shown as a reference
- A 50% deposit is required before the starting process
- The price of the goods/services offered in a particular quotation is final unless a different price has been agreed on
- Once an order has been received and accepted, it cannot be canceled by the customer
- The customer may not deduct or withhold any amount from payments to the company for any reason (whether set off, counterclaim or other reason)
A little selection of fabrics at your fingertips can make the difference between finding a piece you love or something that falls flat. Requesting samples for home has become easier, and our experts are happy to help you find the perfect match for all your pieces.

Select Fabric From Catalogue
Interested to get a feel of a certain fabric? Get a sample of it!

Click “Request Sample”
Get redirected to our Sales Advisors, and let them know what you need.

Await For Verification
Verifications from our Sales Team on item’s availability will be set.

Delivery & Its Finally Yours!
Pick up or have it delivered, it’s all yours then.
Discover Your Post Potential With Us!
We value your buying experience and how the fabrics can be impactful for your business and vision. Discover your most potential with us!

Still In Doubt Of What To Choose?
Here's your fabric buddy, ready to help. Free consultation for life!