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After El Nino hit Indonesia, it caused a prolonged dry season. With this hot and dry situation, the cloth and clothes that you store will be quite safe because they will dry quickly when wet and will also be protected from mold.

However, the rainy season has started to show its nose, causing the atmosphere to become cold and damp. Maybe some people like conditions like this, but not for your cloth or clothes, if not handled properly, it is very likely to damage your cloth or clothes. But don’t worry, we, Paramatex, as a fabric shop in Denpasar, will give you some tips that you can use.

how to store fabric in rainy season 1

Use Tightly Closed Cabinets

Store clothes in a tightly closed cupboard to protect them from air humidity which can cause musty odors and trigger the growth of mold which can damage the texture and quality of clothes. This way, you can maintain the freshness of your clothes and ensure that your closet functions as an ideal storage environment to keep your clothes dry and protected.

Avoid Using Plastic

Don’t store clothes in plastic, as this can cause moisture buildup, potentially creating ideal conditions for mold growth and musty odors. As an alternative, it is recommended to use a cloth bag or clothing cover that has good air circulation. This way, air can flow better, helping to keep clothes dry, fresh, and free from unpleasant odors caused by trapped moisture.

Use Natural Fragrances

Place natural fragrances such as camphor pieces or lavender sachets in the cupboard to provide a natural, fresh aroma. In addition, both options also have musty odor-fighting properties, helping to keep clothes fragrant and protected from unpleasant odors that may appear during the rainy season.

Use Silica Gel

Place silica gel in the cupboard to absorb moisture effectively. This action not only helps prevent mold growth on clothes but also keeps them dry and fresh. Silica gel is an efficient ally in maintaining the optimal condition of your clothes, especially during the rainy season when air humidity tends to be high.

Store Clean Clothes

Make sure the clothes stored in the cupboard are clean and fresh. Before storing them, make sure to wash the clothes well. This step is not only to keep clothes clean but also to prevent unwanted odors from forming. This way, you can ensure that your clothes stay fresh and free from musty odors during the rainy season.

Avoid Storing Wet Clothes, Especially in Rainy Season

Do not store clothes wet. It’s best to dry wet clothes immediately before storing them. This step not only prevents unwanted odors, but also avoids the growth of bacteria that can arise due to humidity.

However, you need to know that there are several fabrics that do have antibacterial features which make them anti-odor, for example the fabric available at Paramatex, namely BAMBOO COTTON 30’s

Drying Clothes in the Open

If possible, dry clothes outside to get good air circulation. Exposure to sunlight not only helps the drying process, but is also effective in killing odor-causing bacteria that may be on clothes. By giving your clothes a chance to be exposed to sunlight, you can ensure that they stay fresh and free of musty odors, providing extra care especially during the rainy season.

Pay Attention to Humidity in the Room

Consider using an air dryer or dehumidifier to control humidity in the room where clothes are stored. These tools will help keep the clothing storage environment dry, preventing moisture from forming which can trigger mold growth and unpleasant odors.

Use a Gentle Clothes Deodorizer

When washing clothes, use a mild and not too strong fragrance for clothes. Avoid using perfume that is too thick because it can stick to clothing fibers and give an unwanted aroma. Choose a light but effective fragrance to give a fresh impression to clothes without leaving residue that can cause a musty smell.

Occasionally Re-Dry Clothes

Even though the clothes have been stored in the cupboard, occasionally re-dry the clothes in the sun to maintain their softness and fragrance. The process of drying in the sun helps remove moisture that may be trapped within clothing fibers, making it a natural way to prevent musty odors and providing additional freshness to clothing.

how to store fabric in rainy season 2

By applying the tips above, you can store fabrics properly during the rainy season and keep your clothes fresh and free of musty odors. Through these steps, clothing is not only protected from moisture and unpleasant odors, but also remains in optimal condition for long-term use.

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