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On the 16th and 17th of September 2023, Bali’s been host the extraordinary event of Lapathon 2023. Held at the Finns Recreation Club, this event was not just about celebrating the spirit of sports but also shed light on an often-overlooked issue—mental health. Let’s take a look back at this remarkable event that sought to unearth potential and raise awareness about the importance of mental health.

Lapathon: More Than Just Running

Lapathon is a unique concept. It’s a marathon race held on a relatively small relay track but with a twist. Participants were given the freedom to set their own distance or time targets for their run. Some ran for a full 24 hours, others ran through the night, and some ran in groups with their friends. All of this was done for a singular purpose: to create awareness, provide mutual support, and most importantly, to prioritize mental health.

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Unearthing Potential in Sports

One of the best aspects of Lapathon 2023 was that it allowed everyone to tap into their individual potential in sports. Whether you were a novice or an experienced runner, whether you aimed to run 1KM, 10KM, or even attempted a full 24-hour marathon, everyone had the freedom and an equal opportunity to test their strengths and conquer challenges.

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Advocating for Mental Health

One of the most prominent elements of Lapathon 2023 Bali was its strong focus on mental health. While the event was centered around physical activities, it also served as a powerful platform to discuss the often-overlooked issue of mental health in our society. Talking about mental health is the first step towards better understanding and reducing the stigma associated with it.

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Support and Unity

Lapathon 2023 gathered a large number of participants. Thousands of participants gathered to celebrate this shared spirit in various ways. Even local media in Bali write news report about Lapathon 2023, including major ones like Bali Tribune, Kabar Dewata, and many others, proving that many people still support the importance of mental health.

The participants ran for a full 24 hours in support of friends struggling with mental health issues. Participants walked and ran to commemorate their own healing journeys, and they danced, laughed, and had fun to remind us all that mental health is an integral part of our well-being.

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Unforgettable Entertainment

The event was not just about running and walking; it was also a form of entertainment for everyone. Live music from Bali’s finest bands filled the air with melodious tunes, and speakers shared their inspirational stories of struggle and recovery in maintaining their mental health. Food stalls offered a variety of delicious dishes for participants to savor.

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Paramatex’s Support

One of the organizations that contributed to the success of this event was Paramatex. We are committed to supporting positive and sustainable activities. As we have done in previous events, Paramatex continues to strive to make a positive impact on society. Our involvement in Lapathon 2023 Bali is further evidence of our commitment to mental health and community well-being.

And we would also like to express our gratitude to the media outlets that covered our event during Lapathon 2023, such as:

which, of course, is our way of supporting the positive movement like Lapathon 2023, which advocates for mental health, to reach an even wider audience.

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In Conclusion

Lapathon 2023 Bali is concrete proof that sports can be a powerful tool for individuals to unearth their potential, support each other, and advocate for important issues like mental health. Through events like Lapathon, thousands came together to celebrate life, health, and unity in their journey toward better understanding mental health. Hopefully, events like Lapathon will continue to be held not only in Bali but around the world to promote better physical and mental health.

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