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Since its establishment in 2006, Paramatex Fabric Store has always aimed to be a supporting partner for its customers in achieving success in their businesses, whether they are garment manufacturers, boutique owners, fashion designers, or beginners who looking to step into the fashion industry.

As part of PARAMATEX’s commitment to providing the best service, and building on the success of the Bali Fashion Network (BFN) event held in 2022, despite the challenges posed by the pandemic that affected Bali, it became evident that garment business owners had a high level of enthusiasm for participating in such events.

Hence, in this year, PARAMATEX is thrilled to announce another exciting event, “Bali Fashion Network 2023.” We cordially invite garment business owners to participate in this event, which will introduce you to fashion label owners, fostering growth and collaboration within the industry.

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A glimpse of what you get if you join the Bali Fashion Network

  • Booths available for you to showcase your garment products.
  • Opportunity to connect with fashion label owners seeking seamstresses for their brands.
  • Talents/models for fashion shows, allowing you to display your finished products.
  • Business talks with industry experts and fashion professionals, providing valuable insights into the field.


The only requirement to participate in this event is a response from you indicating your commitment to join. You can choose to set up a booth only or take part in the fashion show as well. For more information, please contact us via WhatsApp at 0853-3883-3779

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